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In 2016, the Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg met Dr. Denis Mukwege, who asked for her help in supporting projects to help Survivors of rape of war. The meeting turned the Grand Duchess upside down. In 2019, she organized the Stand Speak Rise Up! forum in Luxembourg, to put an end to sexual violence in sensitive areas, bringing together 50 Survivors, Nobel Peace Prize laureates, representatives of international organizations and experts to raise awareness of the cause. In 2019, she found the association Stand Speak Rise Up! to support Survivors and children born of rape in their reconstruction, and continue to raise their voices on the international stage.

We mainly fund the projects of Survivors present at the 2019 Luxembourg Forum, with whom we have built up a strong bond of trust over the years. The Board of Directors also reserves the right to support projects that are brought to its attention, by verifying the usefulness of the project and its impact.

We fund projects that help rebuild the lives of Survivors and children born of war rape in five main areas: access to health care, access to justice, access to economic independence, access to education and access to housing. We may also be called upon to provide emergency humanitarian aid when the context so requires, as is currently the case for Afghan women.

We have no expatriate teams on our project sites. They are all operated by local associations, mostly women’s Survivor associations. Some projects are also run by trusted NGO partners such as TRIAL International, or Aide Internationale de la Croix-Rouge Luxembourgeoise.

We are not taking sides in conflicts. Stand Speak Rise Up! defends all women victims of violence in sensitive areas, regardless of origin, religion or sexual orientation.

Each project is monitored and evaluated by our team to ensure the impact of our support. We support and, where necessary, train local project leaders in the evaluation and monitoring of their projects.

We are funded by private grants (companies, foundations…) and the generosity of the public. We do not receive public grants.

Several advocacy events, organized by members of the Board of Directors, take place every year (film screenings, debate evenings, etc.).

To make sure you don’t miss any events open to the public, subscribe to our newsletter!

You can support the association by making a donation by following this link. You benefit from a tax deduction according to the legislation in force in your country of residence, whether you are an individual or a legal entity.

You can also support Stand Speak Rise Up! by organizing fundraising events on your premises, hosting our photo exhibition, or spreading the word about our actions… If you’re a company, you can offer rounding up of salaries to your employees or at your store checkouts.

You can follow us on our social networks LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube, or subscribe to our newsletter.

The most effective way to support Survivors is to make a donation. You can also get involved in supporting the cause by talking to others about the violence suffered by women and children in zones of armed conflict, by relaying our posts on social networks for example. If you would like to become a Stand Speak Rise Up! ambassador, please contact us at followup@standspeakriseup.lu.


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