Project Description

/ Board of Directors and Stand Speak Rise Up! meetings

conseil d'administration 2023

On November 27, 2023, the Board of Directors met, followed by the Stand Speak Rise Up! meetings. It was an opportunity for our directors to meet and for a number of personalities sympathetic to the cause to exchange views and unite against sexual violence in conflict zones.

First, HRH. the Grand Duchess of Luxembourg, Chékéba Hachemi and Stéphane Bern presented the moral report, the activity report and the 2022 financial report. They were joined by Céline Bardet, Charles-Eric Clesse, Hugues Dewavrin, François Heisbourg, Elisabeth Nicoli, Philippe Peyrat and Frédéric Tissot. From afar, our directors and honorary advisors, Denis Mukwege, Pramila Patten, Pr Yunus, Paulette Lenert and Philippe Grant, also faithfully joined in the fight.

Two new directors

The Board of Directors was joined this year by Tatiana Mukanire and Olena Suslova. These representatives of Survivors respectively run projects funded by Stand Speak Rise Up! in the DRC and Ukraine.

In the evening, numerous personalities joined the directors for an evening of awareness-raising and exchanges around the cause.

Many thanks to Pavillon Elysée Té for hosting the event. Thanks also to Groupe SOS, the Engie Foundation and Moët Hennessy for their financial support. Thanks to them, we were able to stage such a wonderful evening. We continue the fight, together.