Population : 41 millions

Political system: Islamic Republic

/ Understanding the conflict(s)

Between 1979 and 1989, Afghanistan was invaded by Soviet forces, leaving the country in ruins. After their departure, various Mujahideen factions fought for power. Following years of chaos, the Taliban seized control in 1996 and established a strict Islamic regime where human rights, particularly those of women, were routinely violated.

In 2001, the United States invaded Afghanistan following the September 11 attacks. In August 2021, after 20 years, U.S. troops withdrew, and the Taliban regained power for the second time.

Afghanistan is currently enduring a severe humanitarian and health crisis.

/ The situation of women in Afghanistan:

Despite promises of moderation, Afghanistan is now considered the worst country in the world to be born a woman. Every day brings new restrictions, and women’s rights are systematically violated. Girls and women can no longer attend school beyond the age of 12, are prohibited from working in most professions, cannot move freely without a male escort, and are forbidden from dressing as they choose. Public stoning and flogging have been reinstated.

The repression is total against those who dare to challenge the Taliban. Verified reports of physical and sexual violence against women detained in prisons have emerged, highlighting the brutal treatment they face.


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