Wire transfer
You can also make a bank transfer to our account:
IBAN : LU42 1111 7233 4516 0000
IBAN : FR76 3006 6102 0100 0204 1290 232
Benefit from a tax deduction according to the legislation in force in your country of residence (100% from a donation of €120 in Luxembourg, 66% of the donation in France)
Have you thought about a monthly donation?
The benefits
- Easy financial management: distribute your contribution each month for simpler budget management.
- Optimising our actions: we can better plan our actions with a regular source of funding.
- Convenience: donate regularly without stress, adapted to your budget.
If you would like to support Stand Speak Rise Up!’s projects through sponsorship or patronage, or benefit from a tax deduction, please contact us at the following addresse: followup@standspeakriseup.lu
We would like to assure you of our total commitment to transparency in the use of the donations you entrust to us. Your donations are allocated to our projects in the field and our advocacy work. Our accounts are audited every year and our financial documents are available on request.
Are You Part of a Company or Leading One?
Discover How You Can Support Us!
Engage your company to support Stand Speak Rise Up! in the fight against rape as a weapon of war and in providing assistance to Survivors. Discover how to take concrete action:
Turn every transaction into an act of solidarity!
In partnership with HEOH Payments, your company can enable customers to support Stand Speak Rise Up! through cash rounding at checkout.
How does it work?
- Customers can round up their payments at checkout to donate to our cause.
- Implementation is quick and guided by HEOH.
Benefits for your business:
- Strengthen your brand image and CSR commitment.
- Foster a spirit of solidarity among employees and customers.
How to get started:
Contact HEOH Payments and specify your wish to collect donations for Stand Speak Rise Up!. A technician will directly install the system on your payment terminals (service fees apply).
Engage your company alongside us with personalized actions:
- Awareness Conferences: Host an event to educate your teams and partners about the impact of rape as a weapon of war and the work of Stand Speak Rise Up!.
- Solidarity Activations: Co-create impactful initiatives like donation campaigns or charitable events tailored to your company’s identity.
- Long-Term Partnerships: Become a strategic ally in our efforts to support Survivors and drive meaningful change.