Project Description
Empowering Survivors through agriculture
Empowering Survivors through agriculture
2023, Yambio county, in partnership with Road to Economic Development Organisation (REDO)

Conflict-related sexual violence against women and girls is widespread and systematic throughout South Sudan. The ongoing conflict throughout the country has created a perilous situation of great insecurity for women and girls. It is further exacerbated by a total absence of justice.
Rape is instrumentalized as a celebration of virility. Women are given as rewards to combatants. Through women’s bodies, the enemy’s filiation is destroyed. Rape thus propagates a profound and long-lasting disorder throughout the community. Sexual violence proves to be a weapon of terror that disorganizes, destabilizes and forces communities to flee. This scourge therefore has a profound impact on the victims, their families and their communities. Survivors struggle to rebuild their lives. Empowering Survivors is vital.
→ 40 South Sudanese Survivors supported
→ 10 000 people reached by awareness-raising activities
Stand Speak Rise Up! supports the REDO project in Yambio County. The Survivors first came together as a support group within the association. REDO work for empowering Survivors by financing equipment and training in farming techniques. Thanks to this activity, Survivors are able to ensure a regular and stable income for their families.
Through victims’ groups, REDO also responds to sexual abuse through a combination of awareness-raising, education, psychosocial support, trauma healing and legal advice for victimized communities.