Project Description
Psychological and legal support for survivors of sexual violence
Psychological and legal support for survivors of sexual violence
Start : october 2022, in partnership with Women Information Consultative Center
Since February 24, 2022, the armed conflict in Ukraine – which began in April 2014 – has intensified and hostilities have spread to most parts of the country. This raises even greater concerns about the protection of civilians. This conflict situation is leading to multiple acts of sexual violence, committed against women, children and men. Everywhere, rape is used as a weapon of war.
→ 7000 ukrainians Survivors supported
→ 35 000 indirect beneficiairies
Stand Speak Rise Up! has teamed up with the Women Information Consultative Center (WICC) to support Ukrainian survivors of conflict-related sexual violence. Stand Speak Rise Up! gives them access to psychological support and legal aid. WICC also advocates for the drafting of peace agreements, and for Survivors’ right to reparations in the future.
This project is based on peer-to-peer support. Ukrainian Survivors from the first phase of the conflict (2014) and Survivors of gender-based violence, accompany women who have also been violated since the start of the second phase of the conflict (2022). The result is a virtuous circle of support, resilience and solidarity between women.
Throughout the country, support workers are trained at local level, with the aim of covering the entire territory. Particular emphasis is also placed on supporting volunteers and professionals in occupied areas and temporarily occupied territories. This project is led by Olena Suslova, who is also member of the board of director of Stand Speak Rise Up!
Thanks to Groupe Foyer, ATOZ and the L’Oréal Fund for Women for their support of this project.

Lyudmyla Guseynova
Même derrière les barreaux, on peut se sentir libre, même sous la torture, on peut être fort et ne pas avoir peur. La chose la plus importante était de rester moi-même, la chose la plus terrible pour moi était de devenir comme mes bourreaux – avec de la malveillance envers le monde entier, avec de la haine pour les gens.
Les réunions m’ont permis d’obtenir du soutien, des conseils, de l’aide pour les idées que j’ai toujours eues. J’ai le sentiment que mes idées sont importantes non seulement pour moi, mais aussi pour les autres.