Project Description

/ Round table to celebrate 50 years of Editions des Femmes

50 ans Editions des femmes

To mark the 50th anniversary of Éditions des Femmes and Femmage à Antoinette Fouque, HRH the Grand Duchess and Chékéba Hachemi paid tribute to Antoinette Fouque’s activism. The latter is a historic figure in the Women’s Liberation Movement. They took part in the “Get involved” round table alongside women activists, artists, journalists and lawyers. During this round table, they discussed their commitment to the fight against war rape. In particular, they presented the actions of Stand Speak Rise Up! in the field.

In addition, the moving testimony of Tatiana Mukanire, a Survivor from the DRC, vividly illustrated this support. Stand Speak Rise Up! facilitated the publication of her book “Au-delà de nos larmes” (Beyond our tears) by Éditions des Femmes. This testimonial highlights Stand Speak Rise Up!’s field work with Survivors.

Antoinette Fouque Price and honorary evening

Stand Speak Rise Up! has also been named a member of the Prix Antoinette Fouque Honorary Committee. The prize is awarded in three distinct categories: “Committing”, “Thinking” and “Creating”. The winners illustrate actions, ideas and initiatives promoting women’s autonomy and leadership.

During the evening that followed, the Grand Duchess spoke movingly of the importance of sisterhood. She also stressed the power of collective action by women to improve their lot in the world. Catherine Deneuve was also present at her side.

Over 300 people attended the celebration in memory of Antoinette Fouque. Among them were personalities from the worlds of politics, culture and the media. The evening was an opportunity to recall the importance of the fight for women’s rights and to celebrate those who actively contribute to it.