Project Description

/ Show in support of Stand Speak Rise Up!

Solidarité Stand Speak Rise Up!

A solidarity show was held at the Théâtre de Thionville: the Show Coiffure Icône, organized by Éric & Laurent hair salons. The event, benefiting the Stand Speak Rise Up! association, raised over €21,000.

First, the show opened in front of over 700 people with Sophie Darel, who performed a medley of French songs. Next, Cuban singer Lucia di Carlo warmed hearts with a tribute to the Survivors’ victory. The show continued with rhythmic demonstrations of breathtaking hairstyles and impressive choreography.

The commitment of Eric & Laurent salons

In addition, HRH the Grand Duchess and Chékéba Hachemi were called on stage to pay tribute to the work of Éric Sammartano and his teams. Their unwavering commitment to Stand Speak Rise Up! and their unfailing talent and generosity were highlighted.

In addition, the Mayor of Thionville, Pierre Cuny, surrounded by local councillors and deputies, warmly acknowledged the commitment of HRH the Grand Duchess Maria-Teresa of Luxembourg during the cheque presentation.

During her speech, the Grand Duchess emotionally declared: “The city of Thionville is close to my heart”. For her part, Chekéba Hachémi praised the collective commitment to international solidarity with women fighting all over the world.

Many thanks to Éric and Laurent for their generosity and unfailing support, and to the Thionville public and volunteers who helped make this unforgettable event a success.