Project Description

/ Solidarity evening at Editions des Femmes

Solidarité avec les Survivantes

On Tuesday November 28, Espace des Femmes – Antoinette Fouque welcomed HRH the Grand Duchess of Luxembourg and Chékéba Hachemi. They were accompanied by Tatiana Mukanire Bandalire and Olena Suslova, representatives of Les Survivantes. These women represent Stand Speak Rise Up!’s projects in the DRC and Ukraine, and are administrators of the association. This evening of solidarity was in support of Survivors around the world, on the occasion of the International Day Against Violence Against Women.

First, H.R.H. the Grand Duchess of Luxembourg and Chékéba Hachemi spoke about Stand Speak Rise Up!’s missions and actions in the field. The event, moderated by Elisabeth Nicoli, co-director of Editions des Femmes – Antoinette Fouque, underlined the crucial importance of combating sexual violence in conflict zones and strengthening global female solidarity.

Poignant testimonies

Next, Tatiana’s poignant account revealed the horrors experienced by Congolese women. Her testimony highlighted the harrowing realities of daily life in a context of protracted conflict. Similarly, Olena exposed the particular challenges faced by women in Ukraine. She showed how conflict affects each community in a unique way.

Through their concrete projects, Tatiana and Olena demonstrated the importance of SSRU’s actions in the field. They emphasized the social, psychological and economic support and reparation provided to Survivors and their children. Their testimonies captivated the audience, highlighting the immeasurable challenges facing women in these regions.

As part of SSRU’s advocacy activities, Pascale Bourgaux also presented her film Hawar, our bannished children. This film reveals the tragic destinies of Yezidi women abducted and raped by Daesh jihadists, as well as their children born of rape.