Project Description

/ Solidarity screening: “Hawar, nos enfants bannis”


These are children without rights, without visibility, without legal existence. From the 2019 Forum, it was clear that this would become a main theme that we would address with Stand Speak Rise Up!” – H.R.H. Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg.

For the first time in Luxembourg, the award-winning documentary ‘Hawar, Our Banned Children’ was screened at the Utopia cinema on Thursday, June 6. This significant event took place in the exceptional presence of H.R.H. Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, Chékéba Hachemi, and the directors Pascal Bourgaux and Mohammad Shaikhow. The screening attracted numerous Luxembourgish personalities and associations. After the viewing, participants had the opportunity to discuss with the speakers, addressing crucial topics such as the recognition of children born from wartime rape and the daily struggle of Yezidi survivors rejected by their community.

A vital commitment for children born from wartime rape

H.R.H. Grand Duchess Maria Teresa and Chékéba Hachemi emphasized the importance of not allowing wartime rape to sacrifice entire generations of women and children. The event, organized by the Grand Ducal Foundation and Stand Speak Rise Up!, also highlighted the concrete projects of both organizations in favor of the most deprived populations. These initiatives demonstrate their commitment to fighting for the rights of children born from wartime rape and supporting Survivors in their quest for justice and reconstruction.

Discover our emergency humanitarian aid project for Yezidi Survivors: click here.