Project Description

/ Speech at the Women’s Forum

Women's Forum Intervention SSRU

“Today I’m making an appeal to women: let’s come together to finally put an end to systematic violence against women, which continues to be swept under the carpet.”

On November 28, 2023, HRH the Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg and Chékéba Hachemi were invited to speak at the Women’s Forum in Paris. The Women’s Forum for the Economy & Society is an international organization focused on promoting women’s leadership and gender equality in business and society. Founded in 2005, the Women’s Forum organizes conferences and events. They bring together leaders, entrepreneurs, experts and policy-makers to discuss economic, social and political issues, while highlighting women’s perspectives and contributions.

Stand Speak Rise Up!’s involvement in the fight against rape as a weapon of war

Together, our co-founders addressed the urgent issue of combating rape as a weapon of war. They presented Stand Speak Rise Up!’s initiatives and projects in this area. Prevention strategies and the crucial need for holistic reparation for victims were particularly highlighted. Around the world, Stand Speak Rise Up! helps Survivors rebuild their lives.

This call to action resonated throughout the room, and got everyone mobilizing!

They then exchanged views with the President of the Women’s Forum, Anne-Gabrielle Heilbronner, thanks to whom this international platform of influence exists, highlighting the many voices of women committed to a more inclusive world.